Sunday, 17 March 2013

Why are multi sensory classes important for babies?

Multi sensory classes are designed to attract the senses and develop early communication skills.

Babies and toddlers learn and explore the world by using their senses. They find out how things feel and work by looking, touching, chewing, tasting and listening.  Young children are very curious and want to explore, learn as well as having lots of fun!

Multi sensory baby classes are designed to help develop children's senses through using a range of different resources. Here are just a few examples: carefully selected toys, instruments, books, bubbles, puppets and a wide range of textures and materials, songs, sounds and music, lights and parachutes. 

Younger babies also like to look at black and white patterns as this helps their visual skills.

As babies turn into toddlers and they start to crawl and walk they begin to enjoy different activities for example: using puppets, role play, messy play, dressing up and being active.  Children join in with games, movement and explore a wide range of exciting textures and toys.  

Here are some ideas of what could be used in a multi sensory class to explore certain sense.

Sight- through coloured scarves, textures and fabrics, bubbles, pictures, books,  lights and many other exciting resources

Hearing- through music and sounds in many different mediums.  songs and traditional nursery rhymes to enjoy, as well as delightful instrumental music to respond to.  Carefully chosen musical instruments allow even the youngest babies to make sounds and join in with making music.

Touch- through a vast range of textured and tactile fabrics, balloons, water, jelly, cereal, lights and toys.  classes also create time to enjoy physical connections with simple baby movement techniques, dancing and cuddles.  

 Benefits of multi –sensory classes :

*Bonding with parent/carer/peers
*Sensory exploration
*Social and emotional skills
*Hand-eye co-ordination
*Language development
*Facial expressions
*Knowledge and understanding of others around them and how things work

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